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The Complete Moving Day Checklist

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Moving day is a significant day. It can be stressful, but with a comprehensive moving day checklist, you can avoid any last-minute issues. Don’t make the mistake of thinking the stress of moving will be over before the actual moving day. You may have gone through many property viewings to find the right property and found that part stressful. But now completion day is done, nothing compares to arriving at the moving day and finding everything going wrong due to not being prepared. 

If you’re reading this, don’t worry. We’ll help get you through moving day. This guide aims to provide a straightforward and practical overview of what to expect on moving day and how to plan every step efficiently. Alternatively, if you haven’t made it to moving day just yet, check out our total guide to selling your home.

Let’s get started. 

What to expect on moving day

Moving day, often filled with a mix of anticipation and a touch of stress, arrives after weeks or even months of planning. Here is what you can expect on the day.

Overview of the Moving Process

Moving day involves a series of individual yet important tasks, from packing up your belongings to getting them transported to your new home. You’re likely to begin early in the morning and finish only when the last box is unpacked. 

Packing up

Begin your day by ensuring that all your possessions are properly packed and labelled. So make sure you’ve got boxes and packing material on hand. Ideally, you want to have it packed before moving day, as this part can take a few days in itself!

Loading the van

Once everything is packed, the next step is loading your belongings into the van. Ideally, you will have hired a van or hire professional movers. If you’re relying on personal vehicles, that’s not an issue either. You’ll just need to be strategic to maximise space, avoiding the risk of damage and efficiently carrying out as few trips as possible. 

The journey to your new home is another important part of the process. If you’re driving the van yourself or relying on others, you need to ensure a smooth process. Ensure you’ve got the right addresses loaded and the van has plenty of fuel to avoid any delays. 


Once you’ve reached your new property, the unloading process begins. Another tip worth mentioning is to make sure boxes are labelled with the rooms they belong to. This can help you stay organised and unload the van entirely before you begin unpacking. Additionally, make sure to keep essential items on hand, like tools to assemble furniture or bathroom toiletries. 

Settling In

Once you’ve completely unloaded, the final stage is to settle into your new home. This includes unpacking essential items, arranging furniture, and ensuring that utilities are functional.

Possible Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Moving day can present challenges, such as unexpected delays, weather conditions, or logistical issues. Being aware of potential obstacles and having plans in place can help resolve these challenges. Here are some examples:

Weather Concerns

In the UK, we know how unpredictable the weather can be. When you’re moving in, you may be forced to leave large items outside for a short time. So make sure you have waterproof materials on hand to cover them. The last thing you want is your bed, sofa or TV being left out uncovered in the rain. 


Anticipate potential delays when moving, especially if you’re moving during peak hours. The usual rush hours can result in sitting around in traffic. So make sure you prepare ahead of time to avoid these delays. 

Logistical issues

Stay organised by having a clear plan for the day. Label boxes accurately, keep important documents handy, and have an area set up for essential items.

Stay organised

Organisation is incredibly important to achieve a successful moving day. So have your own personal checklist, delegate tasks if you have help, and keep important documents, keys, and contact information easily accessible. 

How to Plan Your Moving Day

Now that you have a broad understanding of what to expect on moving day let’s explore the specifics of planning to make this transition as smooth as possible.

Decluttering Your Home Before Moving Day

It may not seem worth it, considering that you’ll be moving everything out anyway. However, decluttering ahead of time can ensure a smooth moving day.  

Before the moving day chaos ensues, take the time to declutter your home. Not only does this simplify the packing process, but it also ensures that you’re only bringing items you truly need and want to your new space. 

Not convinced? 

Here are some specific benefits…

Streamlined Packing

With fewer items to pack, the process becomes more straightforward, saving you time and effort. Moving day should be left for moving, not for packing. 


If you’re hiring a moving company or hiring a van, you’ll be paying for the day. Decluttering ahead of time can save time, leading to cost savings. 

A Fresh Start

Moving provides an excellent opportunity to let go of items you no longer use or need, giving you a fresh start in your new home. The clutter needs to go somewhere; if you’re not careful, you’ll move to a new home and bring the clutter there, too. 

Tips for Efficiently Decluttering Each Room

Room-by-Room Approach

Take it one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Start with areas that tend to accumulate the most clutter, such as attics, basements, or storage spaces. By doing it one room at a time, you’re less likely to move the clutter from one room to the next. 

Keep, Donate, Discard

As you go through your belongings, categorise items into three groups: keep, donate, and discard. Be honest about what you truly need and think about where they will go in your new home.

Sort Clothing

Go through your wardrobe and set aside clothes you no longer wear. Donate gently used items to charity or consider selling them.

Check Expiry Dates

In the kitchen, check for expired food items and dispose of anything that’s no longer safe to consume.

What Do You Need on the Day of the Move?

To ensure a smooth moving day, you need to make sure you have all your belongings organised and ready to go… Here’s a checklist of some essentials:

Essential Supplies and Tools

On the day of the move, there may be a need to carry out some DIY. This might be assembling furniture or last minute DIY requirements. So keep a tool box handy. Additionally, keep any medication especially if you need them. The last thing you want is to have to sift through all your belongings to find an asthma pump or other medication that may have gone missing. 

Boxes of Various Sizes

This is one you need prior to the day of the move, but it is still incredibly important. Sturdy boxes are so important for packing your belongings. This includes boxes for the TV and other appliances. You will need a variety of sizes to accommodate different items.

Packing Materials

You need packing materials like bubble wrap, packing paper, and tape to secure fragile items and other belongings in general.

Furniture Covers

Consider buying covers to protect your furniture from scratches and dust to avoid any issues during transit. 

Labelling Materials

Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. This makes the unloading process much more efficient.

Basic Tools

Keep a toolkit handy for disassembling furniture and later assembling furniture. Tools can also come in use for any unexpected issues.

Packing Tips for a Hassle-Free Moving Day

Pack Essentials Separately

Pack a separate box with essentials you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents.

Use Clothing as Padding

Wrap fragile items in clothing to provide extra padding and save on packing materials.

Take Stock

Keep a detailed list of your belongings, especially valuable items. This can be helpful for insurance purposes and to ensure nothing is left behind.

The Importance of Labelling Boxes

Clear labelling will ensure you have nothing less than an organised move. Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. This simple step will save you so much time and effort during the unpacking process.

What to Do the Day You Move Out – A Step-by-Step Guide

When moving day finally arrives, you need to ensure you have a plan in place to get you through the day without any issues. Here’s a step-by-step guide.

Morning Preparation

Ideally, you’ll begin the day early in the morning to ensure you can make the most out of the day. Packing should already have been completed, so there are only three things you need to do:

  1. Final Check

 Walk through each room to ensure everything is packed and ready for loading.

  1.  Utilities

Confirm that utilities (water, gas, electricity) are turned off at the old home.

  1. Essentials Box

Keep a box separate with essential items like toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents for quick access. Don’t forget to also pack food and cleaning supplies. 

Loading the van

The next part of the day will be moving all your belongings into your vehicle of choice, ready to be moved. Here, you need to focus on efficiency. For example, placing heavy and sturdy items at the bottom and fragile items on top. Also, consider using straps to secure large furniture. Make sure you utilise the space efficiently to minimise the number of trips. Fill gaps with soft items like cushions or blankets.

Before you set off to your new home, ensure another final walk-through to ensure nothing has been left behind. Don’t forget to check the sockets for any chargers that have been forgotten. 

Moving to Your New Home

This one relates to the transit part of the process. If you’re working with professional movers or friends and family, ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the route and schedule. Have directions to your new home readily available. Make sure to account for potential traffic or road closures to avoid unnecessary delays.

Arrival and Unloading

Once you arrive at your new home, begin by carrying out a check on the condition of your belongings. Inspect your items as they are unloaded. Note any damage and communicate it to the movers if applicable. Next, you want to begin moving belongings into the home. To do this efficiently, boxes should have the corresponding room allocated so they can all be moved in smoothly.

Post-Move Tasks

Once your belongings are all in the new property, what do you unpack first? Begin by unpacking the essentials box. This will allow you to set up the most important items like bedding, toiletries, and kitchen basics.

Utilities at the New Home

Ensure water, gas, and electricity are functional. Additionally, if you’re renting, check for any pre-existing issues in the new property and take a picture. You can now also update others about your address. It’s not just family and friends that need to know. 

Don’t forget to update:

  • Your bank and any credit-related services
  • The council and electoral roll
  • DVLA, if you drive
  • TV Licensing 
  • Your work
  • Your GP 

By following this step-by-step guide, you should be able to get through the challenges of moving day smoothly. However, don’t assume everything will be easy. Issues can always pop up when you least expect them, so just be ready to deal with anything and everything. 

Moving day can be stressful, but the most important thing to remember is organisation. You won’t be able to control everything, but you can still prepare yourself. 

If you’re looking to move property and need to get your property sold urgently, we can help you sell your house to cash house buyers quickly and easily. Get in touch to receive a cash offer now. 

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