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The Best Home Design Tips to Help Sell Your House Faster

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Has your home been sitting on the market with little interest? Do you want to be in the best position for a quick sale? Exterior and interior design can be used strategically to make your home as attractive as possible to potential buyers. Whilst many interested parties will view your home with an open mind, giving your property some TLC can increase the chances of you selling in a timeframe that suits you.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on what people are looking for when buying a new home. Homeowners have revaluated their property needs, with many now seeking properties with large gardens for entertaining and offices to facilitate home working.

The stamp duty holiday – which is in place until 30th September 2021 – means an increase in the number of prospective buyers. Therefore, adopting some of the interior design ideas below could have you inundated with viewings and a chance to sell your property quicker than anticipated and get much closer to the price given at your instant valuation. Before that though, look at what you can do, to make your house stand out from the others.

Focus on your garden

Having been cooped up in our homes for a vast portion of the past year, many people in apartments or houses with smaller gardens have decided a new home is on the cards. At the top of their list is a larger outdoor space.

People aren’t expecting Capability Brown style gardens, but spending time creating an easy to maintain outside space could be attractive to buyers. Consider:

  • Keeping your grass mowed
  • Ensure flowerbeds and hedges are neat and tidy
  • Remove any weeds or dead plants
  • Stow away any toys or gardening equipment

With your garden you simply want to create a tidy and welcoming space. It doesn’t need to be beautifully cultivated; any potential buyer would be happy to put their own stamp on an outside space.

What should I do with my spare bedroom?

Working from home, either full time or part time, has become the norm for many employees. As employers recognise the benefit of remote working for a greater work life balance, the importance of a home working space is key for many potential buyers.

If you have a spare bedroom, unused dining room, unloved loft space, turning it into a home office could help you sell your home quickly. If you don’t work from home, ensure the space is clean and tidy, so that viewers can imagine their own remote working setup in the space.

Address tired flooring

Have you ever hoovered and been astounded at the difference it makes to a room? When preparing your home to sell replacing or rejuvenating tatty flooring can be just the transformation your home needs. If your budget allows, replace carpets, laminate and tiles with a neutral tone. It can be an opportunity to run the same flooring through your hallway and adjoining rooms to tie a house together and create the illusion of space.

We understand that replacing flooring entirely can be expensive. If this is not an option hiring a professional floor cleaning service can have your carpets, wooden flooring and tiles looking brand new at a fraction of the cost.

Decluttering is key

We know this isn’t technically interior design but decluttering for photographs and viewings of your home is essential. Whilst potential viewers aren’t expecting a new build show home you will want your property to appear its best. A clean and clutter free home makes a home feel loved and cared for, helping those who visit imagine themselves making their own improvements and mentally moving in.

We understand that your home will likely be fully of photographs and personal items. Whilst ornaments, candles, and vases of flowers add warmth to a home you may want to stow photographs and nick-nacks away whilst conducting viewings. Allow visitors to imagine their own items in your home, provide them with a blank canvas.

How can I sell my house quickly?

If you want to sell as soon as possible, making some of the changes listed above could attract buyers. By focusing on post pandemic buying trends, such as a home office or maintained garden, will inevitably be a draw for those browsing the property market and are eager to buy now.

However, if you don’t have the funds available to carry out any home improvements or need to sell why not get in touch with us today? We can provide you with a free online property valuation and sell your house for free. Simply book your free valuation or call us now on 0800 566 8490. One of our friendly team of property experts will be be able to discuss your property and the best ways for us to secure you a fast house sale.

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